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Stocktaking Best Practices

Conducting stocktaking in a restaurant should be done quietly before service for accuracy, and consistently to track inventory and control costs. Avoid busy times to prevent errors, disruptions, and inaccuracies. Timing it before new deliveries ensures correct inventory levels, crucial for effective management and financial control.

1. Accuracy and Focus

  • Quiet Day, Before Service: Stocktaking requires attention to detail. Doing it on a quiet day or before the restaurant opens ensures that staff can focus without the distractions and interruptions of a busy service. This leads to more accurate counting and tracking.

  • During Busy Service: If attempted during a busy period, the likelihood of errors increases significantly. Staff are often multi-tasking and may rush the process, leading to inaccuracies in stock levels.

2. Consistency

  • Regular Schedule: Consistent stocktaking, done at regular intervals (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly), allows for better tracking of inventory usage patterns, identification of wastage, and monitoring of stock levels. This regularity helps in forecasting and budgeting.

  • Irregular Stocktaking: Inconsistent stocktaking can lead to unreliable data, making it challenging to identify trends, manage costs, and place accurate orders for future stock.

03. Impact on Operations

  • Before Service: Conducting stocktaking before service starts ensures that the day’s operations begin with a clear understanding of available inventory. It helps in planning the menu, understanding limitations, and preparing for potential substitutions.

  • During Service: If done during service hours, it can disrupt kitchen operations, potentially leading to delays in order preparation and a decline in customer service quality.

04. Dealing with Deliveries

  • Before Storing Deliveries: It’s crucial to complete stocktaking before storing any new deliveries. This practice ensures that the stocktake reflects the actual inventory before the addition of new items.

  • After Storing Deliveries: If new stock is stored and accounted for before completing the stocktake, it can give a false impression of stock levels. This might lead to overstocking, underordering, or even spoilage due to excess inventory.

Stocktaking is Key

  • On quiet days, we do stocktaking to ensure accuracy and smooth operations.

  • Together, we manage our inventory - from storing deliveries to tracking usage.

  • Understanding our stock means running a more efficient, cost-smart, and guest-friendly restaurant.

  • Stocktaking is vital - it's how we excel together!

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